Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Rest in Peace...Last remains of Drift Andreas Players

Recently, I remembered about this old dude I knew back when I was playing SAMP.  Had a fight, never talked afterward, After when I left the community, I saw him getting himself reputation. That was good since I didn't really care about reputation or anything. But when I had a break today I checked for SAMP videos since I felt like watching Dubstep elegy edits and smooth camera work movie. What did I found? video names of RIP over youtube. It was a person I knew that I never apologized...Ryouichi aka Alex. I remembered this kid since he and I met in 2010 at Drift Andreas/Paramount Gaming. That's when our clan Redsuns had a server hosted by a dude named Vaz...who called me a Asian N*gger lol. Name Ryouichi came when he suggested me what's a good Japanese SAMP name that no one may use? I didn't expect him to use this name even till now. But after watching through these videos, facebook etc. Couldn't believe that he's dead.

 Now, It may be too late but I need to say one thing to Alex since I knew him and remembered him...

 I'm sorry...and thanks for keeping the community up brother...I was too stupid that day...

Rest in Peace Ryouichi...Alex...we should twin drift again...

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