Friday, September 9, 2016

GTR on the touge

Well few more updates, with GTR33 and 34 re-edited from Military Spirit 34 and XJPN 33. More of touge style

Thursday, September 8, 2016

R32 part II

Another R32, new rim, damage parts added...pretty nice screens

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Random Snap:Touge

Random Snap of cars from Initial D days....meh the nostalgia

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Just another AE86 but with better headlight, thought it'd be nice if I make one again so i did..enjoy

Sunday, August 28, 2016

R31 Drift Truck

Pretty much wanted to make something after R32 Drift Truck, R31 never existed like this yet so made it...Enjoy the screens

Monday, August 22, 2016

Nissan Skyline R32 Drift Truck

Another GTR but something unusual...Its a motherf'ing truck lol. I was looking around google and thought that not everyone havent made these GTR trucks so thought i'd try this. What I did is simple, and pain in the ass. used 3 tools(zmodeler, 3dmax, and maya) cutted the rear part and remodeled rear truck bed using maya. I wasn't expecting to be a success but it did. I might aswell start scratch modeling cars next(i hope) Well, Enjoy the screens!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

FC3S Street tune

Felt like making a FC3S Street Style so I made one...I also got some of nkymtor's work for working on new SA videos since I been using Adobe AE and Premiere these days and I thought i could make new and better SA videos with it. Big thanks to nkymtor for sharing his work. For the car, I used Gred's old FC3S as for base and edited it with HKSDrifter's MS-02. Also made some anime skins to fit right in the world...I guess it's time to return to SA modding. Keep on lookin! New videos coming soon!

Note: all these Screens had been re-edited to have better look than original. THIS IS NOT JUST ENB

and yeah for those who wants quick look at the skin, here's some screen below.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Random snaps:Best landing ever

Idk how the fck he got up here, but here's how...

largest smoke ever

Thursday, July 28, 2016

GTR32 Touge

I was thinking of few video ideas for GTA and this music came to my head,and I felt like coming back for some SA stuffs. I don't really have the feel of making cars that much anymore, but this time, I had one and made it...not really anything special but I been focusing on editing. that's all. Enjoy the screens!


Thursday, July 21, 2016

In a meantime....

So yeah, in a meantime, i'm pretty much done with SA modding since theres not alot of time to mod these days. I been working on 3DCG scratch modeling, writing lyrics, and composite these days now. and from December last year, I got into some sort of 3DCG club at my university and I was recruited to do this project with same year since I've done a quick scratch modeling. After completing it around June, I did level up through this 6 month project, so thought it'd be the time that I show it here.

Jubilee from Kenkoh Tanaka on Vimeo.

  Also on writing lyrics, I can't say the artist's name and all here due to "stuffs" so I been basically learning how to use LMMS and writing lyrics since youtube keeps making copyright crap which got my old one from 2010-2011 down. Now what I been really been focusing is Colorcorrection. I started using Adobe AfterEffects and Adobe premiere from this year since Colorediting and making FX is better there than Sony Vegas. Pretty much been focusing on Photography and videos. I been posting them on my Facebook and not here since I'm not here that much than I was before in highschool.

So yeah that's pretty much it, More mods might come soon for SA, or might aswell start GTAV modding if theres plugin for 3dmax.
